
Yadda Yadda

Sometimes life tells a story never even conceived by a single human mind. And with all its moments, memories, thoughts, ideals, dreams, aspirations bundled on top of one another... just waiting to be opened and expressed... The story is told. What's my story? I have thought about this a lot lately. Do I want to be just a girl who lived life confused but none the less happy? Or do I want to be the girl who conquers, dreams, and lives her dreams full, out loud, and alive!? I know things I want but either I don't want to inconvenience others or I am just plain ol' chicken. What's my story? Every page is being written pending on what I decide, what I choose...ultimately. Will my story be read for years to come? Will it be intriguing? I want them to be COLORFUL stories. A compilation of messups, mistakes, problems with happiness, love, laughter, hope and more to end it all. Life is scribbling down all impressions made and molding to form what WILL be known as my story. "What's the story?" some will say, and hopefully its response will be- "A life lived."

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