

Love seems to be the topic of discussion everywhere. I would like to announce the new and improved Kate. I don't really think though that it's new or improved but now it is realized and known. I love. I love so much. I love the things I have learned... I love this Earth God has created for me. I love the most caring friends in the world. I love those brief instances where we see eternity. I love. I love the way this goofy looking guy, every tuesday and thursday, holds open the Ricks building door for exactly three minutes and gives you 30 seconds of warning telling you he is about to let go of the door. I love the lighting of the sun at 9 am and the smell of fresh air. I love the feeling of knowing. I love knowing who I am and where I came from and where I can be. I love. I love to dance. I love to be crazy and random and not think of a care in the world. I love realizations that we have a lot to do and a lot to be thankful for. I love lilacs and daisies and edamamae beans. I love rolling down my window letting my hands stick out, driving the endless roads of Idaho. I love life. I love. I love my family. (There is some great entries to come on the whole family :) ) I LOVE! I love I love I love! I think I have been so afraid to use that word.... Maybe because I feel that I fail in that area or I don't feel that I really know what it is.... Or how it should feel. But I am here to tell you- I know what love is. Romantic and not. I have loved. I have had heartache. I was so uncertain... why? I don't know. I knew. I know I knew. I guess that's all .... Love. I hope everyone realizes that they love! We all do. We all love. Why? Only because One was able to give it to us. I am soooooo Thankful and and happy and proud to announce that I LOVE AND LOVE THAT I LOVE!

1 comment:

Janna Marie Long said...

I can't no even begin to tell you how... beautiful that was! It made me cry.. seriously! It enlightened me to see... love is not just about romance.. but about a true feeling of adoration, caring, compassion...a true sense of thankfulness for something that means the world to you, not matter how simple or irrevalant to the rest of the world it may be! Love began with Christ and it should continue on through us in a god-like fashion! Whether it be the love of the gospel or the love of a spouse, it should be based upon the foundations of the love of Christ! I would like to tell you what I love, I will keep my list short though! I love people that have this incredible spirit about them... a spirit that makes you smile, that makes you want to be better, that lifts you in times of darkness to new and unimaginable heights, people like you, Kate! I love the sound of birds outside my window as a awake to the fresh new, sunny morning! I love to leave my window open at night so it gets REALLY cold and then curl up under 4 blankets! I love to call up my family and hear there voices and realize how much they truly mean to you! I love to cry... to let all the emotions come pouring out as though it were a healing power! I love to stop and look up at the night sky and see the beautiful stars and make a wish! I love to see people who are truly in love, people who achieve their goals, people who are working hard for their dreams! I love it when someone I care about is happy! I love how people sing as they walk about campus! I love how in a single moment two people can connect as though they have known each other for a life time! I love to here others awe inspiring thoughts that cause me to want to be better and smart and deeper and create a meaning to who I am and what I want to do! I love boys with blue eyes and gorgeous smiles! I love they sound of a good, deep bass voice! I love music! I love to express myself.. I love to BE myself! Kate... isn't amazing? Love? Is it not a glorious and spectacular feeling? A feeling that you want ot embrace and share it all the world over? If only everyone could sit back and realize that they HAVE loved and that they can love in more ways then romantically... what a difference it would make in this dismal world we live in! Continue to love, Kate.. and never let it die! Ever day sit back and find a new love in your life and then continue to share it with others! Thanks Kate!