“If every choice I make expresses a preference; if I am judging myself, proclaiming all the day long to God, angels and my fellowmen where my real values lie, where my treasure is, the things to which I give supreme importance. Hence, in this life every moment provides a perfect and foolproof test of your real character, making this a time of testing and probation.”
-Hugh Nibley’s “Zeal without Knowledge”
Sister Bone today stopped us in dance today and said, "Do you realize what you have and what you have had? Did you, at those moments, communicate all that you could in that moment?" Every day we have the opportunity to show "us". The real us. Did we, at that moment, communitcate all that we could in that moment? You'll never do things you did today ever again in the exact same way.... All is unique, all is genuine, all is something we need to express to the fullest... Because we will never be able to experience "today"(this day) again.
Nate posted a great qoute by Emerson that said “Speak what you think to-day in words as hard as cannon-balls and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.”
I don't know what I am exactly trying to say.... Just every moment and every choice and everything we do today we should do it showing who we really are. What our real character is.
But then it brings up the topic of who are we really? I know in an eternal sense but here, right now, at this moment, on earth who are you? Or what is- self, I guess you could say?
You could refer to Cooley's Looking Glass Self Theory where it suggests 1) the way I see myself 2) the way you see me and 3) the way I think you see me. You could refer to a lot of things but what is self? All of it? (how I see, how you see, how I think you see?)
The other day I wrote down just a thought I had- "The way I thought I was to others that I thought was obvious isn't... Even if real. I need to show me and that might mean talking outloud to solve it. People don't know inside and I am realizing that maybe I percieve myself a certain way for no reason. I make it up. So what is real? and What is just made up?"
Just ramblin I guess.
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