
10 going on 22

It's true. I have gone back to fourth grade to relive. I now have bangs. Don't know what to do with them quite yet but the bangs have won.



Merry Christmas!

This one is for you...


Batman- "Line of the Night" awarded to Scotty Potty

"That very event traumitized him for the rest of his life and caused him to dress like a bat."

Sad and funny all at the same time.

Anna-an inspired writer and lovely sister poo

"Right before I got out of dance tonight, the snowstorm stopped. I was driving on Pepperwood Drive on the way to my house when I realized what a beautiful thing snow is. You have to endure through this horrible cold flurries of snow throwing themselves at you..but the end result is well worth it. Everything was covered in white, and so were the roads. It was just all white. Put the white with the white (and accents of colored) christmas lights and there was a picture perfect winter snowscape. I was in complete awe of my surroundings. I turned the music off and rolled down my window and breathed the chilled refreshing air as I listened to the silence outside. "

--I was checking up on my sisters little journal of hers online and came across this. I love it. She is awesome and amazing, acrobatic, able, animalistic, artistic, apple eater, annoying (in a good way), adventureous, available, a-hottie... ha ha (Get it- "A" words... for "A"nna) I love you Anna Banana. -Soda, soda, banana- :)


I once was lost, but now i'm found...

If I could only do one thing- It would be to love my family and love them fully. I always have these moments or realizations when I focus sometimes on "unreal" ideas or trivial things too much and little prayers are answered with what really matters. With my family I am happy. Its simple. The look my nieces give my when I tuck them in bed. The "I love you's", the jokes, the moments. If heaven is even the slightest bit like it is when I am with my family... that is all I need.


It's Official

Taylor Mae = Poop in my bed


How can you not cry when in the presence of this man?! It's impossible. The concert was amazing! I sprained my ankle, sang my heart out, danced like a fool, and cried like a baby. Good tunes, good company, good times!


Just Got Home. Finals are done.

It's so strange how things change with in a year. How you have grown and learned. I am still amazed that it has already been a year. A year! It doesn't seem that it has been that long! This time last year I was goofing with my family,wearing a fijian outfit, waiting. Things this time around are completely different. It's weird. I am not sure I like it right now. In time, hopefully(tomorrow), my perspective will have changed. :)

For now- off to watch a Christmas movie with mi madre y hermana


From the Heart

So this year I decided to do all my gifts for my family the old fashioned way and make them all. Very creative huh? *wink wink* I think it means more...for me at least, because I am putting alot more effort into it. I can't seem to finish one item for Anna's gift though (which I would write about but can't considering that she reads this). Its a bit frustrating at times because I wish more artsy but I love making it all though. Crafts are great! :) There is pleasure in giving someone something that you made for them especially. Made with a whole lot of love! Merry Homemade Christmas! I love you.


Fresh Air

As I sat in the back of an old Toyota truck I stared out the back window watching the snow twirl and spin like fog/mist being disturbed, having a hand rush through it. I love that. Its one of my favorite things about winter and fall- when the snow and leaves spiral in the gust.
As I looked out the window I felt I had been there before. Not that I literally had been there but felt so familiar with it all. I felt that is where I loved to be. With the suns' warm glaze on my face. I felt comfortable…
Like a long awaited exhale.
Enjoying the moment I blinked and realized we would keep on going.
Wait! Stop! I want to stay here!...
I watched as that place of so much familiar-ness escaped my view trailing along with it, a snow covered road. I guess at that point I realized that where I had been was a wonderful place but I can’t control that the scenery has now changed. So I accept it.


Three Amigos!

"I suppose you could say that everyone has an El Guapo. For some, shyness may be an El Guapo. For others, lack of education may be an El Guapo. But for us, El Guapo is a large ugly man who wants to kill us!"

May ye all conquer your El Guapos! :)


Christmas Devotional 2005

I couldn't help but think to myself- Am I serving as I should? I mean do I serve as selflessly as I could? Around this wonderful Christmas time the spirit of service is so prevelant and recognized where as, throughout the whole rest of the year it isn't always so outspoken. Service goes on yes, but it seems that the spirit of it all is different. I thought about how, as a Social Worker, I help through service through out the whole year but how much do I really help with that self same "spirit of service" that is around the Holidays? I am determined to push myself to serve with that same spirit, that same intent that I would then- NOW.

Also- As Pres. Hinckley talked and read from 3rd Nephi... It reminded me of our "Tour Theme"- One By One. One by one we will know of a surety that it is He. I am thankful for the challenge that we have been given to read the Book Of Mormon with in the year. I am thankful for the Knowledge, Guidance, Comfort that it has given me to read the words on those pages. As I really focused on what it was teaching me, life situations where clearer and understood more. It helped me to forgive. It helped me to let go. It helped me, ultimately, to realize that I need to give myself to God. Do all I can and look to him. I am thankful for all that I have learned with in this past year.

This devotional was amazing to me! It hit the spot and the Music was moving! Christmas time here we come! :)

Intern = Me

What gets me really excited lately is thinking about my internship. I just had an interview for it this past Friday and all I can really say- is that I left with a huge smile on my face! I literally screamed in my car as I backed out of the parking lot to drive home due to the excitement that I felt. I have a feeling this internship is going to teach me a lot. I am going to be working with individuals such as- boys and girls, the mentally ill, sex offenders/predators, drug and alcohol addicts. Basically Juvenile Delinquents! Its going to be great! The place of residence for all these fine people is called the JCC (the Juvenile Corrections Center). As I talked with my boss he asked me why I wanted to go into Social Work.... My reply was simple- Doesn't Everyone!... I am so excited and so scared and so happy with the choice I have made to become a Social Worker. There is sooooooooooooo much to do and help with. That is what I am looking foward to!


Wrinkles with Love

I love Frank Sinatra! I, a couple of years ago, sat Nancy down and made her listen to Frankie with me saying that one day when she was old and crumpled... She would dance with her husband to this song in their kitchen as he sang it softly into her ear. Needless to say Nancy now loves that song. :) Hopefully everyone can experience that in their own kitchens when they are crumpled cute.

"If I don't see her each day, I miss her
Gee, what a thrill each time I kiss her
Believe me, I've got a case
On Nancy, with the laughin' face

She takes the winter and she makes it summer
And summer could take a few lessons from her
Picture a tomboy in lace
That's Nancy with the laughin' face

Did you ever hear mission bells ringing?
Well, she'll give you the very same glow
When she speaks you would think it was singing
Just hear her say "hello"

I swear to goodness, you can't resist her
Sorry for you, she has no sister
No angel could replace
Nancy, with the laughin' face"
-Frank Sinatra

... it was written for his daughter, Nancy, when she was a baby...