
Three Amigos!

"I suppose you could say that everyone has an El Guapo. For some, shyness may be an El Guapo. For others, lack of education may be an El Guapo. But for us, El Guapo is a large ugly man who wants to kill us!"

May ye all conquer your El Guapos! :)


Anonymous said...

For me, El Guapo is a short ugly dude named Nate. He's always eating my Kix cereal and making me pick him up from work and stuff like that. Sometimes he even leaves dirty foot prints all over my floor. Man I wish Dusty was here to help me get rid of my El Guapo! Life would be much more peaceful, but much less exciting. Maybe this Nate dude isn't so bad after all. Thanks, but no thanks Lucky. I don't want to conquer my El Guapo. At least not today.

Anonymous said...

Fro Mama- I can understand how you could not do the deed... I like that "El Guapo"(for now at least)ha :).

Anonymous said...

Fear Me!

Anonymous said...

"El Guapo" you got nothing on ya.... But other El Guapos get out of the way- NOW!