
Anna-an inspired writer and lovely sister poo

"Right before I got out of dance tonight, the snowstorm stopped. I was driving on Pepperwood Drive on the way to my house when I realized what a beautiful thing snow is. You have to endure through this horrible cold flurries of snow throwing themselves at you..but the end result is well worth it. Everything was covered in white, and so were the roads. It was just all white. Put the white with the white (and accents of colored) christmas lights and there was a picture perfect winter snowscape. I was in complete awe of my surroundings. I turned the music off and rolled down my window and breathed the chilled refreshing air as I listened to the silence outside. "

--I was checking up on my sisters little journal of hers online and came across this. I love it. She is awesome and amazing, acrobatic, able, animalistic, artistic, apple eater, annoying (in a good way), adventureous, available, a-hottie... ha ha (Get it- "A" words... for "A"nna) I love you Anna Banana. -Soda, soda, banana- :)

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