
Just some thoughts.

I am continually amazed at these seminars my dad is in charge of. If the TV show - The Office would just come to one of these events it could, seriously, be the hit of the season. :)

Another thought- The Whole Foods stores that I have seen from Western Washington to where I am now I just love. If it wasn't so dang expensive I might just be a regular for my groceries there.

And yet another thought. Tomorrow I am stuck in a conference room all day... But the great thing is- I still get to listen/watch conference! I mean seriously how amazing is that? That you can get online and be able to listen and watch things live! We are sooooo lucky to have all these commodities available to us! I think I sometimes don't think twice. But I am fortunate. :)

And last but not least- There is something wonderful about people watching in a book store. It's not about TV, Movies, blah.... its about good ol' books. And they enjoy it. I like that.
That's all for now.

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