
Summer Seminar Uno

Seminars are always an experience when working for my dad. For one, everyone tries to get on your good side because they think you can give them a deal. Two, you get all sorts of crazy people that come every year even if they have heard the talks over and over. Three.. New places to see.

This last seminar was in NYC. Scott puked out the window of a taxi in jam packed traffic, No one I worked with wanted to go explore so I got to look around NYC city by myself. (Which was refreshing and fun)Played peek a boo with a girl staying at the hotel and every time I saw her after she would run over and say hi, Got a gift given to me by one of the attendees, A speaker saying- "I put this up here so you could look at my package". (totally didn't mean it badly... he actually meant a package of his program! :)) Convinced Scott to go explore to find a good indian food restaurant, Going to the play Wicked! (I will defy gravity), Got hit on by a Guy at the seminar who just couldn't get over how "beautiful" I was (wanted to show me the town, gave me his info to come and stay with him, and probably did it just because Dad was the one putting on the seminar!) Ha. It was grand. Some funny times. Always something interesting happening!


Anonymous said...

What kind of seminars?

Anonymous said...

They are investing seminars... The speakers talk on all sorts of things- Investing in Real Estate, Making and protecting your assets, Residual Income, Etc, etc...

Anonymous said...

oh for heaven's sake Kate, POST SOMETHING!!!!