
any comments?... feel free

Listen to your heart.


Anonymous said...

when he's calling to you . . .

Anonymous said...

Lately I hear this all the time. Just follow your heart. The girls at the JCC, "Even though you want to be stubborn listen to your heart. Follow it because that is something that you cant hide. You know it." Etc Etc... Then last night while on a drive through Idaho's beautiful fields that song came on. We had to sing. :) I had to write because... really should we always listen to our hearts? Some might not think so.
...Listen to your heart before you say goodbye... ha ha. Just wondering what people think of the saying.

Anonymous said...

I can't!! I'm heartless. Muhahaha...uhh I don't think you should listen to your heart all the time. More or less you should just listen to me.
The End

Kate said...

reply... I don't have anything to say but that I am "replying" to you dear sweet controlling Kami :) Heres to your abusive comments. ha

Kate said...

and by abusive I actually mean hilarious

Nate Mecham said...

Listen to your heart. I think this is my favorite advice to give to people for two reasons. 1) Your heart is an organ that pumps blood. it says "thump thump...thump thump". But that is rarely the answer. 2) If we can look "past the words" (as we are wont to say these days) to the meaning of the phrase, the answer is there. It denotes a mentality of introspective analysis. This analysis is beneficial because it doesn't rely on the verbalization of relevant issues in the problem. Yet they are still dealt with so that imperfect language yields to discernible experience and feelings.
Listening to your heart is a process that facilitates revelation. And I think that it lends itself to taking some risks and making life an adventure.

Anonymous said...

Nate, great advice. I would have to admit that I agree with you. However, I cannot say that I agree with Kate's previous comment on Kami(me) being controlling and/or hilarious. I was being serious on my advice to you...by all means, not funny.

Anonymous said...

once again... very entertaining. Ha! Kami- listen to your heart. You know it as well as I do :)

And Nate- Bravo for blogging with us today. Thump thump bam boom bang! :)

Anonymous said...

Kami- you make me laugh
Nate- you make me cry
Kate- you make me vomit

Anonymous said...

just kidding. for real kami is funny. nate only makes me cry when we say goodbye. and kate, just for the record, I have not ONCE thrown up since I've met you.

Onto the topic of "listen to your heart. . ." I think all of you are right! We've just got to do it man.

I don't always listen to my heart because my brain tells me otherwise, and I guess sometimes that's okay, but not all the time. It's sad that I hold back from certain "adventures" that I long to embark on simply because they seem impractical. That's dumb.

In conclusion. . . Taking risks is good even if we don't get the outcome we anticipated. Life experience is good. Listening to your heart, also good.