Today I couldn't help but notice my hands. How could anyone ever love these wrinkly old hands!
Recently after reading The Agony and the Ecstasy (highly recommended), I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the human body. Michelangelo, perhaps the greatest sculptor to ever live, esteemed the human body to be God’s ultimate creation. He spent most of his life trying to properly portray the perfection of God’s grandeur gift to us. The preciseness of every organism within the body astounds me. Of all God’s creations, we truly are the greatest. In realizing this, personally, two parts of the body have fascinated me more than the rest (that kind of sounds bad but I promise it’s not). The eyes and the hands. Now let me tell you why. The eyes are the windows to one’s soul. The eyes are so significant and symbolic. I would expound, but I need to get to my point in writing all this. Secondly, but not less important, are the hands. Twenty-seven bones make up the design in each hand. The Lord intentionally designed the hands to be exact in detail. Within the hands of each person lies an incredible journey; one of who they once were and of who they may become. And although you view your hands to be appalling, they are not. The reason they appear to be old and wrinkly is because of what you have accomplished with them Kate. You have reached out and considered others before yourself and in doing so a light has radiated from within, and people are drawn to you. God created your hands, and for that reason alone they are automatically beautiful. But because you honor him and his children—his ultimate creations—your hands are loved. Not only by God himself but by those around you. I don't know very much, but this I do know.
Kami- my eyes swelled with tears as I read this. I mean seriously... I don't deserve you. I lay in bed after we talk and think about how amazing you are and if I could even be a little of what you are and have become than I would be happier. You know what I have said about how certain things/events/people are placed in my life for a reason. Not just because. But for a reason. With out you I don't know if I would have been as happy as I have been. You have taught me to take leaps, be spontaneous, laugh harder, try, express, and realize that what we do is more important than we think. Besides you being the best roomie ever I am glad that from day one I have felt you were like a sister. You always will be too. I love ya!
Recently after reading The Agony and the Ecstasy (highly recommended), I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the human body. Michelangelo, perhaps the greatest sculptor to ever live, esteemed the human body to be God’s ultimate creation. He spent most of his life trying to properly portray the perfection of God’s grandeur gift to us. The preciseness of every organism within the body astounds me. Of all God’s creations, we truly are the greatest. In realizing this, personally, two parts of the body have fascinated me more than the rest (that kind of sounds bad but I promise it’s not). The eyes and the hands. Now let me tell you why. The eyes are the windows to one’s soul. The eyes are so significant and symbolic. I would expound, but I need to get to my point in writing all this. Secondly, but not less important, are the hands. Twenty-seven bones make up the design in each hand. The Lord intentionally designed the hands to be exact in detail. Within the hands of each person lies an incredible journey; one of who they once were and of who they may become. And although you view your hands to be appalling, they are not. The reason they appear to be old and wrinkly is because of what you have accomplished with them Kate. You have reached out and considered others before yourself and in doing so a light has radiated from within, and people are drawn to you. God created your hands, and for that reason alone they are automatically beautiful. But because you honor him and his children—his ultimate creations—your hands are loved. Not only by God himself but by those around you. I don't know very much, but this I do know.
Kami- my eyes swelled with tears as I read this. I mean seriously... I don't deserve you. I lay in bed after we talk and think about how amazing you are and if I could even be a little of what you are and have become than I would be happier. You know what I have said about how certain things/events/people are placed in my life for a reason. Not just because. But for a reason. With out you I don't know if I would have been as happy as I have been. You have taught me to take leaps, be spontaneous, laugh harder, try, express, and realize that what we do is more important than we think. Besides you being the best roomie ever I am glad that from day one I have felt you were like a sister. You always will be too. I love ya!
They are my hands, so therefore I love them. :)
Anna... I do share a bond with you. I guess we are both in this together! :) Love you little sister hands girl!
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