
Great News!

Did you know that besides marijuana helping to treat seizures, asthma,and preventing nausea in cancer patients it also helps with- Glaucoma! The active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinols(thc), acts as a "vaso dilator" to de-clogg your eyes thus helping to prevent blindness or loss of peripheral vision!

My new saying as of now has been, "Man... I just need my marijuana!" ha It hasn't gotten to the point where I need it or anything but learning about the possible things to help prevent it was found- interesting.

So should drugs be used in certain situations? Why?


Nate Mecham said...

Drugs are used in all sorts of situations. Some drugs are just illegal where others aren't. I bet whatever drug they use to put you out during surgery would be more dangerous to take while driving than marijuana, but thats still legal.

Anonymous said...

Right... you make a good point. They used to use alot of the illegal drugs as medicine and treatments but found the outcomes and effects to questionable and unsafe. Many spices we now use today as well were once used as drugs. Would you use illegal drugs? Well, in certain situations... I gather the idea that you would. Correct? or No? and why?

Anonymous said...

Drugs now are much better than they once were. we now are more able to give you exactly the medication you need for the desired effect, and minimize the side-effects, or adverse reactions. ya THC may help with glaucoma, but are there any side effects you can think of that may not be so good about marijuana? did you know that you can simply put one little eye drop of apraclonidine (or other med) in each eye once a day, and that also treats the dreaded glaucoma?
and as stated by Nate, the "drug" they use to "put you out" during sugery is actually two medications. one is a paralytic(used to paralyze your muscles), and the other is a sedative(makes you sleepy). and yes, either of these would be worse than cannibus while driving. the cool thing is, those two medications have little to no side effects. they are carefully titrated during the entire surgery by someone that has been highly trained (anesthesia), and they are quicky metabolized by the body, leaving very little or no brain, lung, or heart damage. heck of a lot better than THC if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Here here to Anonymous... I believe that answers all. Drugs seem controversial but I think and from what I have just read that there are better ways, obviously, in treating. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have some if you want. CRACK. Haha don't worry lil big sis! SLEEP is my drug! Highly addictive.

Anonymous said...

I suggest cleaning your room as a remedy... it'll make you feel better :) LOVE YOU!