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Every question I randomly picked -A,B,C, or D. So by chance I got that score. How much of what others get on tests is really by chance or for real. This is just one reason I believe that grades are not everything. Sometimes I think people get "status" for their grades and such but some times that really just doesn't matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um no. I think you're wrong. Very wrong. It just so happens that I currently hold the highest grade in my Media Law and Ethics class. I think that elevates my status very much. Does it matter that I don't read hardly any of the assigned material, or that everything I've learned in that class is completely over my head? No. Ofcourse not. What matters is that I HAVE THE HIGHEST SCORE! My A gives me more bragging rights than anyone who can beat me in a legal argument because they have the ability understand all that legal jargon, analyze cases and actually comprehend law in its entirety. Hooray for me and sad for all those keen minds that settle for C's because they can think of better things to do in the summer than B.S. case summeries and chapter outlines. The end.