

If you didn't already know... President Hinckley's 95th birthday is tomorrow. I was able to go to his "dress rehearsal" birthday tonight. It was amazing!!!! I mean really wow! I cried. :) Just shows what a man with the Lord can do and how music is such a powerful tool and art form. Can we all just sit back for a second and realize how lucky we are. I mean we are in the presence of great men, great people. There are others all over the world that might not ever get a chance to see them face to face or be in the same proximity as we do. This night not only confirmed once again that Gordon Bitner Hinckley is a man of God, Prophet, Seer and Revelator but that this Gospel and church is also very, VERY true. I am proud that I can say I know this wonderful man. Happy Birthday President Hinckley.

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