

"Today I will conquer fear and sadness.
Why live in the mundane when sunshine glistens our path and the smell of October is gathered into bundles of deeply cherished ideals?
Today I shall conquer...
I will dress myself in bubbles, lilacs and sweet tasting honey.
I will talk only of gossip well spent and memories happy laugh.
Today I will strech beyond capacity.
Opening my arms wide, closing my eyes, and taking in a deep breath of air.
Today I shall conquer.
Today I will start.
I will depend on myself, lean on the Lord and sing the songs of birds.
Today I will realize, experience and be thankful.
Today I will fly with the wings of My kind established on hope, love, hard work and dreams.
Today I shall conquer..."

It was a beautiful October Tuesday and while laying on my back soaking the greatness of the day words came. And so I wrote....

1 comment:

jayjay said...

LOVELY poem, Kate, and when I read it, it went straight to my spirit and refreshed me. Thought you should know. Particularly the Lean on the Lord part.
Thanks for publishing it.