
Happy Birthday to all!

Anna- What you mean to me is more than what can be expressed. You are motivated and busy and beautiful and loving. Smart, passionate, crazy and spiritual. You are radiant and a crumple. You are assertive and messy. You are addicted to Nutella. You think you look like Scott. You are creative, spontaneous and such a prankster. You listen and open your heart. You care for others. You are strong and forgiving, colorful and tall. I love you! I love you! I love you! XOXO ... Come play with me after school!

Cody- One year older and wiser too! Cody you are a great friend and I am thankful to know you. So caring and hardworking and insightful. Have the best day ever!


I am a Social Worker

Today was officially my last day as a student. I took my last test here at BYUI and got to end this school experience the way I would have wanted... I got to dance. We had a little performance. I just can't even describe the gratitude I feel for this institution that has taught me so much more about dance and its deeper meaning. Its feels so surreal to be done. To not ever have to go to school again if I don't want to. Man it is crazy. I am now no longer a student. I am a social worker. :)



Its true. I am 'smitten' by a boy. I met him at the beginning of summer at a local gas station. Just a crush. Just a fun little crush. All I can say is that I am smitten with this one. Never been like this before. I actually talk to him and flirt with him and he seems to be doing the same. He hasn't asked for a number....yet :) but I don't care too much because this crush thing is just fabulous! His name is Jon. Today he said I looked good and if I would kiss him on the cheek... ha. You know, thats totally normal for someone who helps you at a gas station huh? :) Its just so fun to have a crush. But even better when its someone that you are smitten by. Its a good day.


That page has finally turned...

So many books to be written. So many stories to tell. I swallowed myself and finally turned the page...

There is alot more to this book, I haven't seen yet.


Let me just tell you how hilarious my mother is. She last night was preparing to leave on this church history cruise with my grandma and aunt. She, first off, always gets the feeling that she doesn't want to go right before leaving. Like she will miss what the kids are doing or something like that. Also, for the life of her, she could not figure out what to pack. She ended up staying up all night doing laundry, making lists for Anna (which she dated everyday she was gone as march 12 and so on rather than August), ironing, etc. So as 6:15am rolls around, She almost forgets her diabetes medications as we are leaving and shouted which scared me to death! But this is where it gets good. My mom when she doesn't sleep doesn't get huffy... she gets real giggly and talkative. She couldn't stop moving around and hustling and bustling with whatever she was doing. She in her commotion grabbed all these papers. books, magazines to read on the plane ride and just spilt them everywhere. She just laughed. As we were driving there was this random stick in the road and my mom just bursts into laughter because why would a stick like that be in the middle of the road?! Of course! Ha. I know this doesn't even sound funny. Cause I cant write to give those last few moments with my mother before her big trip justice. But I love my mom. She is great. Thats all you really need to know I guess. Simple and sweet- I love her.


Too much and too little....

Lately I have been feeling that I need to do more. I don't think I am helping enough, or cheerful enough, or appreciative enough, or caring enough. I think sometimes I am too selfish, too emotional, too helpless, too lazy, too scared. I want to see people for who they are rather than what I might percieve them to be. I want to expect nothing and give everything. It takes work. I am too prideful and say I am too busy. I want things I can't have and don't even give that, which I want, to others. Its time for Kate to stop it. To stop and drop what I thought and start again. I love you. I pray for you. I want nothing better than for you to be happy and on your way to the best experiences you can possibily grab on too. I want you to feel loved and cared for, appreciated and know that I am grateful. I want you to feel secure and warm and wanted. To know you are brillant, beautiful and talented. To know that whenever you need someone to listen, talk to or just have to have... I am here. And I don't do that. I need to do more.
...There still is beauty...


"Close your eyes.
For your eyes will only tell the truth
And the truth isn’t what you want to see.
In the dark it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be."